New Traffic Rules and Fines

New Traffic Rules In India 

Lok Sabha passed the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill in 2017. The amendments were targeted towards bringing changes in the transport sector to encourage safer driving practices among Indian motor vehicle drivers.
The amendment’s draft was put forward in the lower house of the Parliament to impose rigid fines for traffic rules violation and to promote e-governance.

New Traffic Rules and Fines in India 2019: With 63 clauses of the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 2019, coming into effect from September 1, the Centre is all set to crack the whip on some of the most common traffic violations across the country. While the states are in the process of issuing a notification, the Centre has prepared a list of offences that can be compounded.

Driving without licenseRs 500Rs 5,000
Over-speedingRs 400Rs 1000 - Rs 2000 for light motor
vehicle, Rs 2,000 - Rs 4,000 for
medium passenger or goods
vehicles and impounding of driving
license for second/subsequent
Drunken Driving-Imprisonment up to 6 months
and/or fine up to Rs. 10000 for first
offence and imprisonment up to 2
years and/or fine of Rs. 15000 for
second offence.
Racing and speeding-Imprisonment of up to 1 month
and/or fine up to Rs. 500 for first
offence and imprisonment up to 1
month and/or fine up to Rs. 10000
for second offence.
Driving uninsured vehicleFine of Rs. 1000
punishment up to
3 months
Rs. 2000 and/or imprisonment up
to 3 months for the first offence and
fine of Rs. 4000 and/or
imprisonment up to 3 months for
the second offence.
Dangerous Driving-Imprisonment of 6 months to 1 year
and/or fine of Rs. 1000- Rs. 5000
for first offence and imprisonment
up to 2 years and/or fine up to Rs.
10000 for second offence.
Causing obstruction
to free flow of traffic
Rs 50Rs. 500
Driving despite
Rs 500Rs 10,000
Unauthorised use of
vehicles without license
Rs 1,000Rs 5,000
Driving when mentally or
physically unfit to drive for
Rs 200 for first
offense, Rs 500 for
First offence - Rs. 1000 and
second/subsequent offence -
Taking vehicle without lawful
authority and seizing motor
vehicle by force
Rs 500Rs. 5000
Offences relating to accident-Imprisonment of up to 6 months
and/or fine up to Rs. 5000 for first
offence and imprisonment up to 1
year and/or fine up to Rs. 10000 for
second offence.
Violation of road regulations-Rs 500 to Rs 1,000
Disobedience of orders of
Authority and refusal to
share information
Rs 500Rs 2,000
Traveling without TicketRs 200Rs 500
Penalty for offenses where no
penalty is specifically provided
Rs 100 for first
offense and Rs 300
Rs 500 for first time offense,
Rs 1,500 for subsequent offense


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