Meaning and important of Physical Fitness

Meaning of Physical Fitness:

Different people have different points of view regarding fitness. For a common man to have a good physiological system is physical fitness.  For a doctor, the proper functioning of physiological system is physical fitness.  In fact, physical fitness is a simple term with a broad meaning.  Physical fitness of a common person means the capacity to do the routine work without any fatigue or exertion and after doing his work he has power to do some more work with quick recovery.  In fact, it can be said that physical fitness is the ability to function effectively and efficiently and enjoy leisure, be healthy , resist disease and cope with the emergency situations. Physical fitness varies according to the nature of work , individual size, shape of the body, age and sex. For physical fitness, we require an efficient organic mechanism and an efficient mental functioning. A physically fit individual should possess a sufficient reserve of energy to meet the demands of emergencies in which a person is unexpectedly called upon to perform activities demanding unusual expenditure of strength, energy and adaptive ability under unfavourable environment.

Important of physical Fitness:

Physical fitness and wellness are really very significant of leading a happy and well balanced life. These are necessary for reducing the risk of heart and lung disease.  Physically fit individual tend to have lower resting blood pressure. Everyone wants to maintain one physical fitness to perform the routine work easily.  That is why it is said that physical adds years to ones life. Many people are under the impression that physical fitness is necessary only for sportsmen because they participate in various activities of sports and games.  They are not aware of that physical fitness and wellness are necessary for a common man. Although physical fitness varies according to the task to be performed, a certain level of physical fitness is necessary for a common man too. 
Physical fitness and wellness play a key role in improving the mental ability of an individual.  These tend to enhance productivity and quality at work. In fact, the complete efficiency level of an individual is enhanced.  A physically fit person can manage stress easily, effectively and efficiently because such a person has positive attitute towards stress. He considers stress as a force for motivation.  Research studies  show that physically fit person use the stress advantages.  Such person can combat the stress due to better health status.  Physical fitness helps in beautification of body. 
So, it can be concluded that physical fitness and wellness are necessary for everyone in every walk of life . The level of being well and physically fit may vary from a common man to an international athlete.  So, more and more stress should be laid on the physical fitness of individuals. In facts, he laid stress on physical fitness as well as wellness of our citizens so that they could hold up the nation honour and prestige.


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