
New Traffic Rules and Fines

New Traffic Rules In India  Lok Sabha passed the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill in 2017. The amendments were targeted towards bringing changes in the transport sector to encourage safer driving practices among Indian motor vehicle drivers. The amendment’s draft was put forward in the lower house of the Parliament to impose rigid fines for traffic rules violation and to promote e-governance. New Traffic Rules and Fines in India 2019:  With 63 clauses of the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 2019, coming into effect from September 1, the Centre is all set to crack the whip on some of the most common traffic violations across the country. While the states are in the process of issuing a notification, the Centre has prepared a list of offences that can be compounded. Driving without license Rs 500 Rs 5,000 Over-speeding Rs 400 Rs 1000 - Rs 2000 for light motor vehicle, Rs 2,000 - Rs 4,000 for medium passenger or goods vehicles and impounding of driving license for se

Top 20 amazing place to visit in bhopal

Bhopal   City in madhya pradesh  Bhopal is a city in the central India state of Madhya Pradesh. It is one of India is greenest cities  There are two main lakes, the upper lake is van vihar National park, home to tigers, lion and leopard.  The state museum has fossils, painting , rare jain sculptures. Taj ul museum is one of Asia largest mosques, with white domes, minarets and a huge courtyard.  1.Boat Club-  Bhojtal, formerly known as upper lake, is a large lake which lies on the western side of the capital of madhya pradesh , Bhopal. It is a major source of drinking.  2.Van Vihar- National park featuring animals in their natural habitats, Including tigers, lions and hyenas.  3.Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya  Anthropology museum depicting the history of mankind with outdoor reproductions of villages.  4.Taj-ul-masajid- Massive, 19 century red stone mosque featuring white domes, imposing minarets and carved arches.  5.Lower Lake - The lo

Meaning and important of Physical Fitness

Meaning of Physical Fitness : Different people have different points of view regarding fitness. For a common man to have a good physiological system is physical fitness.  For a doctor, the proper functioning of physiological system is physical fitness.  In fact, physical fitness is a simple term with a broad meaning.  Physical fitness of a common person means the capacity to do the routine work without any fatigue or exertion and after doing his work he has power to do some more work with quick recovery.  In fact, it can be said that physical fitness is the ability to function effectively and efficiently and enjoy leisure, be healthy , resist disease and cope with the emergency situations. Physical fitness varies according to the nature of work , individual size, shape of the body, age and sex. For physical fitness, we require an efficient organic mechanism and an efficient mental functioning. A physically fit individual should possess a sufficient reserve of energy to meet the d

Important Of Yoga

Important Of Yoga   It is universal truth that modern age is the age of stress,tension and anxiety. Nowadays,most of the people are not leading a happy and productive life. They indulge in materialism. They are running after money. For such people, money is father and money is mother,money is god.In fact ,money is everything for them. These people have excessive money in store,even then they are mentally disturbed. They can not sleep without sleeping pills. Their life is full of problems . At last , it can be alluded that everybody, whether rich or poor l,is not happy in the present day life . KIN HUBBARD has rightly said,"It is pretty hard to tell what brings happiness:Poverty and wealth have both failed". The following points show the important of Yoga: Reduces Mental Tension: Yoga can help in reducing tension. It is a well known fact the most of the people remains under stress and tension. They do not get peace anywhere. They fell upset and disturbed in the pre

Best Career Option or scope in Physical Education

Carrer In Physical Education   Physical education has traditionally been considered a professional field appropriate only for those interested in teaching career.This career is usually considered to have many benefits .The teachers in the field of Physical education commands deep respect among the students because he make a good contribution. Elementary School It has been recognized that physical education is a must in elementary schools,Basic skills and attitudes can be learnt well in this period. Physical education plays a very vital role in the all round development of children are extremely important in the development of intelligent l.In India , there is no career opportunity for physical education teachers in elementary school.This is the main  drawback in India. Middle school   Career opportunity for physical education teachers in middle schools are ample but only in the school of bigs cities and especially the ones that are affiliated to CBSE.In such school